duminică, 17 noiembrie 2013

Christmas cards exchange
Objective: Christmas is a unique time when people are friendly and generous to one another. It's the best time to sending wishes to everyone. We would like to exchange handmade Christmas cards with short wishes
Pocedure:1) First, we exchange all school addresses. Than students prepare self made Christmas cards and write wishes like "Merry Christmas" in both languages: mother tongue and in English. The cards should be send by post last week of November to every school involved in this project. 2) each school will take photo from small exhibition from cards received and publish them on TwinSpace. 3) optional we can make a presentation in PowerPoint about Christmas customs in our country including: carols, decorations, dishes etc. and place it on TwinSpace.

Un comentariu:

    Public link to this TwinSpace: http://new-twinspace.etwinning.net/web/p100409
